
Saturday, 7 September 2013

Welcome to homework

Three days into A2's new school career and he has brought home his first piece of homework. Really!
Maybe it's not such a bad thing - at least it lets him know what is expected of him right from the start. And it's not a massive piece of homework. In fact, calling it homework is a bit ridiculous. All he had to do was draw a picture of our family.
A2, is going to be just like his older brother. I can see that immediately. He didn't want to do his picture. Neither of my boys have ever been that keen to draw creatively. Give them something to make and that's a different matter. We've created all manner of models, painted pictures and decorated birthday and Christmas cards but when it comes to actually drawing that's just not their thing. I can't even get them colouring!
I didn't actually drag him down the stairs but you could see he could think of other things he's rather do. And he informed me as soon as we sat down that he didn't want to draw a picture of our family.
"Go on," says I. "Show me what I look like."
"But I can't draw circles," he informed me.
Once I had assured him that no one can draw great circles freehand and it really doesn't matter he sat down with his gorgeous pencil case set that a friend gave him for his birthday last year. Using his pencil set seemed to spur him on. We've not used it that often simply because he's never been bothered about drawing. He'd rather pick up a paint brush.
And so our images emerged. First, his big brother, the biggest head and the biggest hair, smile and eyes. Followed by a picture of himself, then me and Daddy too. Noses were forgotten, eyes were nothing more than dots on the rest of us other than A1. It's quite cute but nothing like those pictures you expect to see children draw of a family outside a house with smoke coming out the chimney and a nice tree in the garden. I wonder what this says about A2. Probably just that he's going to be the sort of child who just wants to get his homework done so he can get on with more fun things! No doubt, the sign of things to come!

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